Rule Number 29

Signal 10 Signal 15


A Hand-Tackle is a player, with one open hand, pushing an opponent's back, upper arm or side. The following hand-tackles are illegal:
.1 Any hand-tackle where the tackled player does not have possession of the ball.
.2 Any body contact other than an open hand to the back, upper arm or side.
.3 Any hand-tackle, which endangers the tackled player.
.4 A player may not fend off a tackle with the hand or forearm or with the movement of the elbow towards the hand-tackler.

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Rule  31

A jostle is a player manoeuvring their kayak against an opponent?s kayak between the six (6)-meter lines and the goal line, to gain a position where neither player is attempting for the ball. The following jostling is illegal.:
.1 When a player is stationary or attempting to maintain a positio

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