Rule Number 31

Signal 10 Signal 15


A jostle is a player manoeuvring their kayak against an opponent?s kayak between the six (6)-meter lines and the goal line, to gain a position where neither player is attempting for the ball. The following jostling is illegal.:
.1 When a player is stationary or attempting to maintain a position and their body is moved by more than half a meter by sustained contact from an opponent?s kayak.
.2 When the contact to the opponent?s kayak would be defined as a kayak-tackle.
.3 A player with the whole kayak behind the goal line may not be jostled, as they are not in the six (6)-meter area.

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Rule  33

.1 A player restricting the movement of an opposing player or gaining support or propulsion by placing their hand, arm, body or paddle on the kayak, or holding the opposing player or equipment.
.2 A player using for propulsion or support, or moving out of place, any playing area equipment e.g

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