Rule Number 42


.1 Golden-goal extra-time shall, with the exclusion of Grand-finals, consist of up to two periods of three (3) minutes each; with the team scoring the first goal deemed the winner. There shall be a three (3) minute break before the golden-goal extra-time commences and a one (1) minute break between periods, with a change of ends.
.2 Golden-goal extra-time for Grand-Finals shall consist of up to two periods of ten (10) minutes each; with the team scoring the first goal deemed the winner. There shall be a three (3) minute break before the golden-goal extra-time commences and a one (1) minute break between periods, with a change of ends.

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Rule  39

.1 The player taking any goal line-throw, cornerthrow, sideline-throw, free-throw or free-shot must hold the ball above their head, at arms length with their kayak stationary, before taking the throw. The player?s initial throw must travel one meter measured horizontally from the point o

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